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by YK Sugi

由YK Sugi

我是如何使LinkedIn联系人添加机器人的,并自动获得了一些采访 (How I made a LinkedIn contact adding bot - and automatically got a few interviews with it)

On LinkedIn, there’s a section that’s titled, “People you may know.” It’s under the My Network tab.

在LinkedIn上,有一个标题为“您可能认识的人”的部分。 在“ 我的网络”标签下。

This is the page that suggests people you might want to connect with.


You can click these Connect buttons to send connection requests to the people in this list.

您可以单击这些“ 连接”按钮将连接请求发送给此列表中的人员。

A few years ago, I found this page, and I started randomly adding people there. I would just click on the connect button on every single person I found on this page.

几年前,我找到了此页面,并开始在这里随机添加人员。 我只要在此页面上找到的每个人上单击“连接”按钮即可。

I just figured it might be useful to have a lot of connections on LinkedIn to get the kinds of jobs I wanted to get, for example, software engineer internships.


But after a while, it became a little bit cumbersome to keep clicking on these connect buttons manually.


So, I decided to make a little bot to click these buttons for me.


This is an article about how I made this bot, what happened as a result, and what I learned from it.


我是如何制作机器人的 (How I made the bot)

我使用的工具 (The tools I used)

I made this simple bot to add random people on LinkedIn with JavaScript and .


Greasemonkey is a Firefox add-on that helps you manage custom JavaScript code.


With it, you can set things up so that a certain set of code runs automatically when you open a certain URL.


You can also store some data in Greasemonkey. I used this feature to keep track of the number of people I added with this bot. That way, I was able to keep track of this number consistently even when I closed the browser or refreshed the page.

您也可以在Greasemonkey中存储一些数据。 我使用此功能来跟踪使用此机器人添加的人数。 这样,即使关闭浏览器或刷新页面,我也能够始终如一地跟踪此数字。

我使用的代码 (The code I used)

Unfortunately, I did not keep the code I used to create my bot after I used it.


So, in this article, I’ll do my best to recreate it as closely as possible.


Initially, to create this bit of code, I used Google Chrome. Later, I switched to Firefox to use Greasemonkey, which I mentioned earlier. I chose to use Chrome initially just because I was more used to it.

最初,为了创建这段代码,我使用了Google Chrome。 后来,我切换到Firefox来使用我前面提到的Greasemonkey。 我最初选择使用Chrome只是因为我已经习惯了。

Now, let’s together go through how I would recreate this code today. In this article, just to keep it simple, I’m only going to show you the core functionality of this bot - adding people. So, I’m going to skip the part about using Greasemonkey to store data persistently here.

现在,让我们一起探讨如何重新创建此代码。 在本文中,为简单起见,我仅向您展示该机器人的核心功能-增加人员。 因此,在这里我将跳过有关使用Greasemonkey持久存储数据的部分。

Please let me know in the comments if you’d like me to cover that part in a separate article.


步骤0:JavaScript基础知识 (Step 0: JavaScript basics)

In case you’re not too familiar with JavaScript, let’s quickly go over some JavaScript basics here.


We’re going to use Google Chrome here, but you can use any browser you’d like to use.

我们将在这里使用Google Chrome,但您可以使用任何想要使用的浏览器。

First, open any website, let’s say, Google.com.


Then, you’ll need to open the browser’s JavaScript console there.


On Google Chrome, you can do it in a few different ways.

在Google Chrome浏览器上,您可以通过几种不同的方式进行操作。

The way I usually do it is the following:


  • Right click anywhere on the page.

  • Then, click Inspect out of the menu that’s popped up.


  • When you click it, a window like the following should show up.

  • Then, click the Console tab there to show the JavaScript console.

    然后,单击那里的“ 控制台”选项卡以显示JavaScript控制台。

  • Once you click the Console tab, you should see the JavaScript console.

    单击“ 控制台”选项卡后,应该会看到JavaScript控制台。

This is where you can type in any JavaScript code to test it. You can use the code you enter to interact with the page that’s open in your browser.

您可以在此处输入任何JavaScript代码进行测试。 您可以使用输入的代码与浏览器中打开的页面进行交互。

For example, try typing in the following code in the console and press Enter.


selected = document.querySelector('body');

This selects the body tag in the page that’s open on the browser. Then, it assigns it to a new variable called selected.

这将在浏览器中打开的页面中选择body标签。 然后,将其分配给名为selected的新变量。

In Chrome and Firefox, there is a shorthand for:


selected = document.querySelector('body');

Instead, you can just write:


selected = $('body');

I’m going to use this shorthand notation with the dollar sign throughout this article to keep our code short and simple.


Also, don’t worry about it if you don’t know the basics of HTML and JavaScript yet. I’ll try my best to write this article so it’s easy to understand even for beginners.

另外,如果您还不了解HTML和JavaScript的基础知识,也不必担心。 我会尽力写这篇文章,这样即使对于初学者也很容易理解。

If you’re not interested in the code I’m going to show you, you can also just skip to the sections about what happened and what I learned from this experience at the end.


Now, let’s walk through our bot’s code, step by step.


步骤1:找到目标元素 (Step 1: Find the target element)

First, you’ll need to write the bit of code that finds the buttons that you want to click.


First, log in to LinkedIn. Then, go to the My Network tab. It’s currently at (July, 2018).

首先,登录LinkedIn。 然后,转到“我的网络”选项卡。 当前位于 7月)。

You should be able to find the People you may know section there.


Then, on Chrome, right click on the “connect” button on one of the recommended people there. Then, click Inspect.

然后,在Chrome上,右键单击那里推荐的人之一上的“连接”按钮。 然后,单击检查

Once you do so, the element that you just clicked on will be highlighted in the developer window.


This is the HTML code that’s highlighted in blue here:



This is a span tab that shows the text: Connect. What we really want to click on is not this one, but its parent element, which is a button.

这是一个显示文本的跨度选项卡: Connect 。 我们真正想要单击的不是此元素,而是其父元素,即按钮。

You can find it right above the span element that we selected.


Let’s now examine this button element:


There’s a bunch of stuff here, but here’s the important part:


Basically, this is a button element whose attribute, data-control-name, is “invite”.


In our script, all we need to do is select elements like this and click them.


You can select these elements with this piece of code:


selected = $(“button[data-control-name=invite]”);

This reads as, select all the button elements whose data-control-name is “invite”.

读取为,选择其data-control-name为“ invite”的所有按钮元素。

NOTE: It looks like LinkedIn’s website uses jQuery. So, the notation above is actually a jQuery selector, . Confusingly, their behaviours are slightly different ?

注意:看起来LinkedIn的网站使用jQuery。 因此,以上表示法实际上是jQuery选择器, 。 令人困惑的是,他们的行为略有不同?

Anyway, once you run this code in your Chrome console, you should be able to see that the correct elements have been selected.


Now, with this piece of code - selected = $("button[data-control-name=invite]"); - your browser finds multiple button elements and puts them in an array. To pick the first one, you can just select the first element in this array like so:

现在,使用这段代码selected = $("button[data-control-name=invite]"); -您的浏览器会找到多个按钮元素,并将它们放入数组中。 要选择第一个元素,只需选择此数组中的第一个元素,如下所示:

toClick = $("button[data-control-name=invite]")[0];

Then, you can click it with this:



If it goes through, you should see a confirmation window popping up.


步骤2:遍历多个目标元素 (Step 2: Loop through multiple target elements)

Now, the next step is to loop through multiple target elements to click so we can add multiple people.


After some experimentation, I realized that there’s a simpler way to select multiple buttons and loop through them than the one I showed earlier.


Here’s how I would do it.


First, use Inspect Element to analyze the structure of this page a bit more. Then, you should be able to see that the people you may know is just an unordered list.

首先,使用Inspect Element进一步分析此页面的结构。 然后,您应该能够看到您可能认识 只是一个无序列表。

You should be able to find code that looks like this:


The parent element is a ul (unordered list) element. Its children are li (list item) elements.

父元素是ul (无序列表)元素。 它的子元素是li (列表项)元素。

Each li element represents each of the people you may know cards you see on the screen.


By selecting these li elements instead of selecting the buttons directly, it actually becomes easier to go through multiple people.


You can select this ul element, the parent of the li elements, like this:

您可以选择以下ul元素( li元素的父元素),如下所示:

ul = $('ul.mn-pymk-list__cards')[0];

This says, select the ul element with the class ul.mn-pymk-list__cards. We need to add [0] at the end because the raw result is an array containing a single element.

ul.mn-pymk-list__cards ,选择类ul.mn-pymk-list__cardsul元素。 我们需要在末尾添加[0] ,因为原始结果是一个包含单个元素的数组。

Then, you can select the first li element (the first person’s card) under the ul element like this:


firstLi = ul.querySelector('li');

We don’t need to add [0] at the end of this statement because the querySelector() function only returns one element.

我们不需要在该语句的末尾添加[0] ,因为querySelector()函数仅返回一个元素。

Then, out of firstLi, you can select the button that we need to click like this:

然后,从firstLi ,您可以选择我们需要单击的按钮,如下所示:

buttonToClick = firstLi.querySelector("button[data-control-name=invite]");

After clicking this button with buttonToClick.click(), we should remove this li element so we can go to the next li element (the next person’s card). We can do that with this:

在使用buttonToClick.click()单击此按钮之后,我们应该删除此li元素,以便可以转到下一个li元素(下一个人的卡)。 我们可以这样做:


Putting them all together, and putting everything in a while loop, you’ll get something like this:


ul = $('ul.mn-pymk-list__cards')[0];firstLi = ul.querySelector('li');while(firstLi){ // do this while firstLi still exists.  buttonToClick = firstLi.querySelector("button[data-control-name=invite]");  ul.removeChild(firstLi);  firstLi = ul.querySelector('li');}

This code should work, but it has several issues.


  1. We add people really fast with this, so it’s going to be hard to know what’s going on when you run this code.


  2. We are not keeping track of how many people we’ve added.

  3. We are assuming that buttonToClick is always the correct button to click. Sometimes this button has the text “Invite” instead of “Connect”. We don’t want to click on too many of those “Invite” buttons.

    我们假设buttonToClick始终是正确的单击按钮。 有时,此按钮的文字为“邀请”而不是“连接”。 我们不想单击太多的“邀请”按钮。

步骤3:完善代码 (Step 3: Refine our code)

I’ve fixed all of the issues I mentioned above and put together a relatively simple piece of code below.


It’s also on Gist. Perhaps it’s easier to read there.

这也是的要点。 也许在那里更容易阅读。

// this function allows us to stop our code for |ms| milliseconds.function sleep(ms) {  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));}
// I've put our main code into this function.async function addPeople() {  ul = $('ul.mn-pymk-list__cards')[0];  firstLi = ul.querySelector('li');  count = 0; // this is the count of how many people you've added  while(firstLi && count < 100){ // stop after adding 100 people    buttonToClick = firstLi.querySelector("button[data-control-name=invite]");    // make sure that this button contains the text "Connect"    if (buttonToClick.innerText.includes("Connect")){      buttonToClick.click();      count += 1;      console.log("I have added " + count + " people so far.");    }    ul.removeChild(firstLi);    await sleep(1000); // stop this function for 1 second here.    firstLi = ul.querySelector('li');  }}

If you examine this code carefully, you should be able to notice the couple of changes I’ve made:


  1. I’ve put our code into an async function called addPeople(). In this function, every time we add someone, we pause for 1 second with the sleep() function. More about this pattern .

    我已经将我们的代码放入了一个名为addPeople()的异步函数中。 在此函数中,每次添加某人时,我们都会使用sleep()函数暂停1秒钟。 有关此模式的更多信息,请 。

  2. I added a count variable to keep track of how many people we’ve added.


  3. I added this if statement: if (buttonToClick.innerText.includes("Connect"){...}. This way, we can make sure that the button we’re clicking contains the word “Connect” inside it.

    我添加了以下if语句: if (buttonToClick.innerText.includes("Connect"){...} 。通过这种方式,我们可以确保所单击的按钮中包含“ Connect”一词。

With these changes, when I run this code, it looks like this:


步骤4:进一步改进! (Step 4: Make further improvements!)

On top of what I showed above, I had a few more functionalities when I actually used my bot to add a bunch of people on LinkedIn.


First of all, I used Greasemonkey, which I mentioned earlier, to keep track of the total number of people I’ve added.


Also, to avoid being detected as a bot by LinkedIn, I added a few things:


  1. I randomized the order in which I added people.

  2. I randomized the amount of time I waited every time I added a new person.


I’ll leave all of these as exercise problems for you to solve in case you’re interested in solving them ?


发生了什么 (What happened)

With my script, I ended up adding 2000+ connections. Then, if I remember correctly, about 400 of them added me back.

使用脚本,我最终添加了2000多个连接。 然后,如果我没记错的话,其中约有400人使我加入了。

As a result, I went from about 300 connections to 700+ connections within a week or so!


Then, after a while, I got banned by LinkedIn from adding any more people. I didn’t know that I could get banned! I was scared for a bit, but the ban lifted after 2 months or so.

然后,过了一会儿,我被LinkedIn禁止添加任何人。 我不知道我会被禁止! 我有点害怕,但禁令在2个月左右后解除了。

More importantly, I was able to land a few interviews from those 400+ new connections. One of the interviews was with this company called Palantir.

更重要的是,我能够从这400多个新连接中获得一些采访。 采访之一是对这家名为Palantir的公司的采访。

Here’s a screenshot of the message I received from them:


我从这次经验中学到了什么 (What I learned from this experience)

I thought what I was doing was pretty silly at the time, but I ended up learning a lot from this experience.


外卖1 (Takeaway 1)

First of all, through this experience, I realized that LinkedIn actually works for getting jobs. I was able to get a few job interviews with my bot, after all.

首先,通过这种经验,我意识到LinkedIn确实可以找到工作。 毕竟,我能够用我的机器人进行一些工作面试。

Then, after a while, I also realized that adding thousands of random people was not the most efficient way to use LinkedIn. With that kind of approach, you end up adding a lot of people you don’t need to add.

然后,过了一会儿,我也意识到添加数千个随机人并不是使用LinkedIn的最有效方法。 通过这种方法,您最终会添加很多不需要添加的人员。

So, after that experience, I changed my approach to a more focused one.


With my new approach, I would only add recruiters of the companies I wanted to work at. Then, I would only send messages to the people who added me back.

使用我的新方法,我只会添加我想工作的公司的招聘人员。 然后,我只会将消息发送给添加了我的人。

It turned out to be a much more focused, effective strategy to use LinkedIn. With this new strategy, I was able to get a few more job interviews with multiple tech companies, including Yelp and Xamarin. This time, I didn’t have to add thousands of new connections to achieve this result ?

事实证明,使用LinkedIn是一种更具针对性,更有效的策略。 通过这种新策略,我得以与包括Yelp和Xamarin在内的多家高科技公司进行了一些面试。 这次,我不必添加成千上万的新连接来获得此结果?

NOTE: I talk more about this strategy in , just in case you’re curious about it.

注意:在 ,我会更多地讨论此策略,以防万一您感到好奇。

外卖2 (Takeaway 2)

Having fun is the best way to hone your programming skills!


Through this particular project, I was able to hone my JavaScript skills. What I learned included:

通过这个特定的项目,我能够磨练我JavaScript技能。 我学到的包括:

  • How to set a timed interval between function executions

  • How to select certain HTML elements with JavaScript

  • How to store data locally with Greasemonkey


I learned these things through this project, and it didn’t feel like studying at all because it was so much fun.


外卖3 (Takeaway 3)

From this experience, I’ve learned that it sometimes pays to do something weird. So, don’t be afraid of being a little bit mischievous and adventurous if you have any inclination to do so.

从这种经验中,我了解到有时候做一些奇怪的事情是值得的。 因此,如果您愿意这样做,不要害怕有点调皮和冒险。

Even after this little experiment, I continued to do weird things for fun.


For example, when I was interning at Microsoft, I ran a little experiment where I “stole” a bunch of employee passwords. I did that by sending out a phishing email. It was supposed to be a huge give-away raffle with prizes like Xbox and Surface laptops. It was my hackathon project there.

例如,当我在Microsoft实习时,我做了一个小实验,“偷走”了一堆员工密码。 我是通过发送网络钓鱼电子邮件来做到这一点的。 这本来应该是巨大的抽奖活动,其中包括Xbox和Surface笔记本电脑之类的奖品。 那是我在那里的黑客马拉松项目。

I also started a , and eventually decided to .

我还开设了一个 ,最终决定 , 。

Perhaps all of these things seemed a little bit weird to other people. But every time I went through each of these experiences, I learned something new, and I had tons of fun along the way. I would say the last one even made my career.

也许所有这些事情对其他人来说似乎有些奇怪。 但是每次经历这些经历时,我都会学到一些新的东西,并且在此过程中我会获得很多乐趣。 我会说最后一个甚至使我成为了职业。

So again, don’t be afraid of trying something strange just for fun! You might learn something valuable along the way.

再次重申,不要害怕为了娱乐而尝试一些奇怪的事情! 在此过程中,您可能会学到一些有价值的东西。

好的,仅此而已。 (Okay, that’s it for this article.)

This was supposed to be sort of a fun article, but I usually write about more serious stuff.


For example, I have articles about , , and .

例如,我有关于 , 以及 。

Feel free to check them out. They are all here on Medium.

随时检查他们。 他们都在这里。

Also, as always, if you have any questions about this or anything else, please feel free to let me know in a comment below or on or (@ykdojo on both).

此外,与往常一样,如果您对此有任何疑问,请随时在下面的评论中或在或 (两者均为@ykdojo)上让我知道。

Thank you for reading this article!





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